Moving Puzzle

Bewegende Puzzel (Nederlands), Puzzle Mouvant (français), Bewegende Puzzle (Deutsch)

Download from the Apple app store

Moving Puzzle is a simple but addictive puzzle game for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. In fact, it's even two games in one!

You have a choice between either swapping or sliding the pieces of the puzzle into place. But while you do so, the picture is not standing still! It is scrolling over the tiles so it's not easy to keep track of which piece belongs where.


Frequently asked questions

    Q: The sliding puzzle seems to be unsolvable! I cannot swap the last two pieces.
    A: In sliding puzzles, one of the pieces is marked with a gently pulsing top left corner. If you move this piece to the top left, the puzzle will always be solvable and the gap will end up at the bottom right. With a different piece on the top left, you may still be able to solve the puzzle with the gap in some other location but you may also end up with the impossible task of swapping two adjacent pieces.


movingpuzzle @ (without the spaces, these are to keep spam robots from harvesting the address)

Check out the other apps by the same author: Colibricks and Kaodoku.